The geological museum

of Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas

The Geological Museum is located in the main building of Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas in a hall of 550 m2. The Museum's collections were enriched by virtue of acquisition of the samples at exhibitions, in museums, during expeditions and from private individuals in Bonn, Paris, Prague, Vienna, New York, Freiberg, Dresden, Strasburg, Philadelphia etc. Since the museum’s foundation (for more than 140 years) there have been collected many samples from all over the world. Museum’s activity is closely connected with the training process and facilitates the preparation of highly qualified specialists to the utmost. The structure of the museum consists of the departments that present systematic collections of:

  • mineralogy;
  • petrography;
  • mineral Resources;
  • historical geology;
  • paleontology.

In the geological museum trainings for students, excursions for school children and pupils from lyceums of our town and the region, as well as excursions for guests and delegations from Ukraine and abroad are permanently conducted. Research studies are also conducted in the museum. All the sections of exposition are equipped with electronic catalogues. There is a published museum guide provided for the visitors.

In 2007, the mineralogical collection of the geological museum has been highly rated by the state – it was granted the status of national patrimony.


The geological museum of Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas is one of the largest and most remarkable museums in Europe and Ukraine regarding its richness, diversity and representation of minerals, rocks collections as well as collections of flora and fauna fossils. One of the founders was highly educated and talented geologist of Precarpathian Region, the scholar Yulian Medvetskiy (1845-1918) who received his education at Vienna University, where he was a student of the Department of Natural Studies. While working in the Department of Mineralogy of Lviv Technical Academy, Yulian Medvetskiy set to collection systemizing and formation of the museum. Up to the Second World War the museum was one of the best of its kind in Europe. In 1969 the geological museum changed its location. Now it is placed in Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas. Many exhibits from all over the world were gathered during the period of museum existence which accounts for more than 140 years; many of these exhibits are unique and of great interest to professionals. On December 5, 2007 by the decision of the Cabinet of Ukraine “The mineralogical collection of the geological museum of Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas” entered the list of scientific objects that are national patrimony.



The exposition “Mineralogy” presents a systematic and genetic collections of minerals taken from different world deposits which occupy 22 stands. The systematic collection reflects the variety and plenitude of chemical compounds. The minerals are arranged according to Y. Lazarenko’s modern classification which is based on their chemical components, dimensional arrangement of the crystal lattice, atoms or groups of elements, their chemical relations, coordination and packing. All minerals are divided into classes.

Opal (Australia)

Aragonite (Turkmenistan)


Petrography is a science which studies different types of rocks in detail. Such a studying is very important for searching mineral resources because the latter ones are the consttituent part of the rocks in the form of bodies of different shape, inclusions, etc. In most of cases the rocks themselves are mineral resources. All the rocks can be devided into the following types according to the conditions of their formation: igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic. All of these are shown in the exhibition which occupies 16 stands with the exhibits gathered from many coutries of the world.

Marble (Austria)

Gneiss injection (Russia, the Urals)

Mineral Resources

The richness of the Ukrainian depths is shown in the exhibition. Here we can see coal from the Donbas; granites, quartzites, labradorites, pegmatites, quartzes, and topazes from Zhytomyr Region; complex ores, andesites, caolins, and cinnabars from Transcarpathian Region; gypsums, sulfur, osocerites from Lviv and Ivano-Frankivsk Regions; salts from Kalush potassium deposits. Oil is represented by exhibits from deposits of Dnipro-Donetsk depression and Precarpathian Region.

Polymetallic ore (Ukraine, Luhansk region)

Cinnabar (Ukraine, Donbas)

Historical Geology

The exposition "Historical Geology" takes us back into the distant past and reveals the stages of the Earth crust development, changes in the flora and fauna during the geological time in the chronological sequence. The whole Earth history is divided into certain periods of time which are conditioned by different stages of development of the Earth crust, flora, and fauna. Thus, we distinguish the following five eras: Achaean, Proterozoic, Paleozoic, Mesozoic. All the periods of time, beginning with the time of the Earth crust formation and up to the modern times, are united in a chronological scale and represented on the stands by rock samples and fossils of the main groups of extinct organisms.

Calymene blumenbachi

Imprint fish


Paleontology studies all the organisms which existed during the geological history of the Earth. The simplest, acoelomates, bush-gill, brachiopoda, gasteropods, cephalopods, and arthropoda are represented in the exhibition. Among the simplest, the nomilites from the Crimea are exhibited, among the acoelomates - corals of different shape and colour, among the cephalopods - a slit of a nautilus. The arthropoda are represented by remained imprints of insects and butterflies. The class of fish is represented by imprints of fish of the Jurassic period found on the territory of Greenland, Lion, and Bavaria. The beasts are represented by individual bones, teeth, and jaw of a cave bear. There are also mammoth tusks.

Nautilus Pompilius

Cidaris coronata



Geological museum Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas 15 Karpatska Street, Ivano-Frankivsk, 76000, Ukraine


